All of Satyroi’s organic production is certified by Bios, one of the independent certification bodies recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture for the controls and certification of organic products pursuant to EU Reg. 2018/848.
The exclusive production process safeguards the natural characteristics of the products and keeps their precious vitamins and trace elements, the fiber, the color and of course the taste, aroma and flavor unaltered. Satyroi’s partner company establishments have been using the HACCP self-certification system for many years for the processing and preparation of products to verify the hygiene and traceability of their products. The entire production, processing and packaging chain complies with these requirements and, moreover, multi-residual analyzes and tests are carried out on all organic raw materials and finished products by specialized and accredited laboratories.
The Garanzia AIAB Italia (read more) is the label for AIAB members whose products meet more restrictive requirements than the mandatory EU Regulation (EC) 834/07, as well as four simple principles that guarantee the final consumer that the entire food chain is fully organic and that all raw materials used are 100% Italian.